Everywhere I've checked including the wiki says UVs range from Low to Ultra, but I don't ever see any UVs listed as Ultra. Just wondering if Very High is what all the Ultra talk refers to, or if there's an actual Ultra above that.
(Another) Quick UV question
The Low-Ultra parameters were changed to the current Low-Very High (perhaps even higher?) parameters some time ago, back in the preview.
I believe it was said that what was "Ultra" back then, is comparitive in effectiveness to a today's Medium bonus.
I haven't seen a UV that says Ultra either.
But on the character screen, the total bonus CAN add up to Ultra.
Also, UV's can go up to Maximum.
I'd post a screenshot, but it's my guildmate who has it on some kind of a Demo Suit.
I have a "Maximum!" elemental defense jelly shield, so you can get them.
I had a Maximum Normal Defense Skelly Suit... but it sucked, so I sold it.
For Weapon UVs that increase attack speed or reduce charge time... if you have a sword that has a UV for attack speed does that bonus apply only to that weapon, or to any attack you make with either weapon? Same type of question for reduced charge time.
Might seem silly to ask, but yeah. I think too hard about these things sometimes.
Just that weapon. If you look at your character screen, on that bottom row, the mouseover will show you the combined effects of whatever you are wearing on each weapon have equipped. So if you have on a demo suit whose charge reduction bonus affects bombs, if you have a bomb equipped, that mouseover will show the combined bonus for charge reduction for the armor & bomb combined.
The new descriptors range from low to Maximum!
I can vouch for having seen Low, very high, and maximum variants, but without knowing the new words in between I'm hesitant to edit the wiki page.
The boost amounts seem to go: Low, Medium, High, Very High, Ulta, Maximum.
I have UVs of Low and Medium, haven't been luck enough to get the other UVs.
There's an 'Ultra' bonus and even a 'Maximum!' bonus for everything. There might be something in between as well but I don't remember.
I'm not sure if you can get Maximum! as a UV, but I'm guessing you can and I'm also guessing it's MUCH rarer than Ultra which is why it isn't mentioned yet.