Hey" guys it's smogrn look, were having another Boss" tour
(1) to the core: When you join this tour your agreeing to Journey to deph 1 to the core also this is this ultimate Boss" tour because you travel through every deph fight all the bosses.
(2)Vannanduke Boss fight: When you join this tour your agreeing to travel through all dephs and fight Vannanduke with an 5* guid expert this includes with all the tours.
(3)Romulus twins Boss fight: When you join this tour your agreeing to travel through all dephs and fight the Romulus twins.
(4)Jelly king Boss fight: When you join this tour your agreeing to travel through all dephs and fight the Jelly king. We forgot to mention the jk tour in the main forum about rules and information
(5)THE CANDLE STICK TOUR I WILL BE HOSTING: When you join this tour your agreeing to travel all dephs and fight All enemies.
(6)Snarloboax Boss fight: When you join this tour your agreeing to travel through all dephs and fight the snarloboax.
For more info go to our other forum in general discussion called: Spiral knights Boss" tour coming soon.
We left out the jelly king tour information but its the same as all of them.
There is no jelly king, only Royal Jelly. And very few people can afford a 0-29 run at current energy prices.