Hey i have gave away tons of stuff i have gave 17 k away free 3 star weapons 2000ce and a ton more.
I gave away free 100 ce to random people how nice
Hm, notice how many wrong-section threads there are today, in the arsenal.
edit: lolwat
how did I get in general discussion
lol doesn't this belong in gremlin chatter or something along those lines
Are you posting this to brag about your kindness?
Or you just thought it was something we would all like to know?
For whatever reason....I guess that was nice of you so.....
........thank you?.........???
Well technically you didn't give anything away for free now. You posting on the forum bragging about giving stuff away = you seeking gratification for your actions, now it's not free because you're expecting to receive our admiration and praise now. Getting praised for giving away stuff =/= free. It's tainted now. You should have typed "Hey please say I'm a kind soul and awesome and stuff because I just gave stuff to people"
Gratification.......that's the word I was trying to think of.
Thanks. I can sleep peacefully tonight now :)
Hey thanks for your post Guardian but quit calling me annyoing.
I've never called you annoying.
I'm sorry if any of my posts came across that way.
Brag away as much as you like, send me some goodies :O :D
Nice to see people sharing their money (:
I've given out 1 k CE to new players a lot before. I'm pretty broke atm though, but I always love to share p:
Keep up the sharing 030
Why did you Even Post That ?! Wasting That Alot of Money aint Kindness its Dumb >_<
When you get pretty late into the game like that, kindness like that becomes a valid timesink. I was thinking of maybe making a full 3* gunner set giveaway or something, too.
Can I haz ur soul then?