yeah, like my subject. Help me everyone!!!
what is "forge spark" using for? And how can I sell item?
You mean bring forge spark to token trader? I tried but I can'f trade it
maybe u dont have the right amount u need to check the froge spark items.
i can show u if u want
Click on Arsenal then guess what? Click on TOKENS! YAY, and there you have how many tokens you have of each type.
Tokens cannot be sold or traded with players or to sold Auction House. You can use them only with Brinks NPC.
Every item you buy from Brinks (unless its material) is bound to you. To sell that item either to Player or Auction House you need to unbind it.
If you dont understeand terms i used like Brinks, Binding, Arsenal, Auction House or material i suggest you to check out wiki for those terms. You can acces wiki by clicking "?" question mark in top left corner of game window and then clicking big button with "WIKI" written on it.
Seriously, you never looked into Arsenal to even check your equipment or anything?
I can't help but wonder how many replies were trolling...
You can trade forge, primal, and grim sparks at Brinks. You can use them now to get items to sell at the auction house, or you can use them later to get some rare materials needed to craft your 5* gear. Your choice.
re: selling them,
The trinkets which cost 100 tokens vendor sell for 10000 cr. Only worthwhile if you have 100.
Picking good materials can get you up to 5 times that, depending on the Auction House's stock.
Picking materials you need yourself can save you lots of money.
Personally I'm saving my Primals, Forges, and Grims on the off-chance that OOO releases something awesome that you need a bunch of them for.
Currently have,
106 Primals
337 Forges
458 Grims
You might as well go buy some 5* trinkets or something… the questioni know that u r a a bigineer.
u can trade forge saprk in bazzar for differnet mats even trinkets.
u sell and item by trading putting the item and then pressing accept.