So it started around as me mucking around my alts in Haven 11 (yeah, it started out in this Haven).
Put me and my alts in a straight line to see if people would join. Not many did :(
Put them all against the front wall of the fountain... I smell a bit of success here!
Since it's going decently, I decide to move to Haven 1, and a bit more success :3
So I moved my alts to the Upgrade Merchant, but not much success, but some people sat near me instead, and it seems they kinda sit in a row, so I made my alts make that into a line, which other people joined
After a minute or two the line starts to change as people from the back move to the front and people leave and new people pop in
Some guy thinks it's a good idea to tell everyone to move to the Garden instead, but only about 3 people do, so I bring all my alts and myself to the Garden for the heck of it, which got the whole line's attention :D
So we all move up to the front in a horizontal line!
As time passes, my alts doze off, which is seemingly mistaken for me actually using /doze on all my alts individually, but hey, it worked out nice!
Time passes, everyone stops dozing, and walk around the Garden chatting to others, then 3 girls start dozing off at the stone gun puppy trying to catch attention. I just made all my alts doze with them, and again, success!
After that, I tried making my alts doze at the back wall of the Garden. Not much success here, but I took a screenie anyway
THANKS ALL FOR READING ^-^ And feel free to point out if you're in any of the screenshots!
And here's a completely unrelated mini-party in the Bazaar a few days ago- *blackout, turn computer back on, thank god for recovery mode*
I'm in the 3rd last and 6th last screenshots...
I only got a screenshot of this >>