Please include your your IGN and message me ingame when you are ready. My IGN is Nazzazz.
NOTE: i am not the one with the shadow key here if i am to get a party that can handle this place one of you will need to have a shadow key
Please include your your IGN and message me ingame when you are ready. My IGN is Nazzazz.
NOTE: i am not the one with the shadow key here if i am to get a party that can handle this place one of you will need to have a shadow key
If you're organizing a Shadow Lairs run, shouldn't you be the one to bear the Shadow Key? I mean, you're basically saying that you're ready for the Shadow Lairs, but someone other than yourself will have to stake the key for a party they might possibly have never interacted with before, thus putting themselves at a huge risk of losing their key. Busting a key on a failed run won't sit well.
Just saying that it's easy to jump onto a random party if you have nothing to lose, but the one with the key obviously won't share that perspective. Just a heads up - this might end up in a trainwreck.
I have keys. But I'll only do Shadow Lair runs if the costs at split and I can trust at least some of the people in the run. I bought mine for 1500 CE so 375 CE each person is baseline.
The ash tail i have in my inventory will rotten if i don't go to a shadow lair soon.
Edit: re-read over this. I thought you had a key aha. Curse my lack of attention to contextual details 0___0
Woohooo First three get to go !!! Shadow Key ? = 4 morons waiting at the gate for nuthin' LoL
I'm slightly confused. If all 3 need to have a key, I'm out; if the 4 are sharing the cost then I'm in.
Lol... it's not that hard to get a competent party for Shadow Lairs if you agree to split costs. Asking for competent players, AND asking for them to provide the key, won't get you very far.
I would like to go, But I Dont have a shadow key