I recently got a free Skelly Shield from a treasure box. Up until now, my only upgraded shield was the BTS, but I was really planning to get the Crest of Almire in the long run. However, I only have about half the tokens needed. Meanwhile nothing I own has any shadow defense whatsoever. Should I bother equipping and upgrading the SS, or would it become immediately outclassed by the Crest of Almire? Will the freeze and poison resistance really help?
Should I bother with Dread Skelly Shield?
Sun, 11/27/2011 - 17:01
Sun, 11/27/2011 - 22:55
You don't need a Dread Skelly if you plan on making a Crest later. I have both and will switch it out depending on the specific status when facing Fiends or Undead. This is particularly helpful if you happen upon a Danger Room because then at least the shield's status defense should match the monsters even if the damage defense does not. But such a thing is completely optional, I'd put it low on the priority list.
Dread Skelly is a bit better than Crest for UGWW just due to the Poison resist. BTS works great there too though.
The freeze and poison resist does help, but not nearly as much as the CoA's fire and shock will.
Crest of Almire is really better the the Skelly shield line in just about every way you'd want it.