Character seems to walk very slowly, then very fast and gets teleported (or slides very fast) back to an earlier or another position. If I hold still, it takes a while (10-20seconds) and character slides around before it stops in a place. Impossible to navigate around the map - I could stand next to one of those huge buttons, be very careful with my team screaming "left, right, up!!!" and still miss it for hours. This often leaves me no other choice than to quit back to haven and try another time. It's almost impossible to even walk from one room to another with no obstacles except for the "door".
All the wile, chat seems to work fine. The audio feedback I'm getting sounds slightly less confusing than the video - seems to be not quite right, but more current / closer to what's actually happening in game. The "playback" of what the other players on the team are doing seems to be mostly ok too. What's going on in the world seems mostly to by displayed accurately - except for the own position / movement which seems to reset randomly. Other players look as if they're moving normally and almost in realtime - they can point out your real position to you by standing on you or help you navigate by pointing into the right direction. You also can sometimes guess where you're really standing by looking at where monsters aim/hit.
- This seems to be worst during "internet-hours". I can play without trouble at an "unusual time" - for a long time - but during high times, it's sometimes impossible to finish even a single stage. Not even after 3 tries.
- It's not my Internet Connection. I get good ping, up/down and no package loss (most of the time) to anywhere around the globe.
- My machine is fine too. Java seems to run smoothly, no memory or cpu trouble, no messages to tty...
- I tried waiting. Strage behaviour continued for a long time, after about an hour it was just gone - everything fine, I could continue where I stopped.
- Stepping into an elevator / loading another level instantly solves the problem.
This is me trying to walk around a crate. But that damn thing was just faster than me.
I had the same thing happen once, not consistently... I had just been booted and got back in again, and then this kept happening. I was also unable to use gates or leave the Haven. Didn't happen again though.