Is it just me or are Retrodes ( insanely difficult to kill. ITT: We discuss strategies for killing them and otherwise show why Rillip is a noob.
Retrodes.... How do I KILL them!
Retrode eye lasers can't shoot over railings or gaps in the floor, and they don't destroy blocks, so use a gun and take advantage of the terrain. Shoot them from behind a railing, or stay near a block that you can duck behind when their laser appears. If you're in an arena, keep your distance an dodge whenever you see the beam appear. A shield and armor with strong elemental defense will also help a lot.
The same way you kill literally everything else. Block or dodge attacks, then combo in available time - if you combo quick enough before their attack charges up, you'll interrupt them. Retrodes, however, have generally quick-charging attacks, so it's usually best to just dodge or block.
take advantage of the terrain
Well said.
I'm a bomber, so I basically hide while I charge, let them shoot a laz0r then rush up, set it and rinse/repeat.
Retrodes are zombies with slower ranged attacks that can't be interrupted and no jump, making them a lot easier.
Personally, I have my good friends, Mr. Fisty, and his wife, Elaine, to deal with them.
I've noticed that they only use the laser when you're out of range for their melee attack. Just wait for them to use the laser, run in, use your shield if you have to block a second volley, and just cut them into tiny little pieces.
>.> I got destroyed by some retrodes today...never had that much trouble..bad day...bad day
Now I use a variation of a brandish currently (more specifically a cautery sword)
For me its as simple as recognize their attacks, and defend.
So if they are gonna use their beam attacks you let them aim at you and then you move, as they cannot move once they are locked in that position - similar to gun puppys (especially Red Rover), you can simply strafe around them and attack. If for some reason you can't get out of the way, just shield.
When they are gonna swipe you, best thing to do is shield take it and counter attack.
They give you notice before both attacks, you should easily be able to recognize it coming and distinguish between what is about to happen.
All else I can say is when it isn't attacking, you should be and if you knock it down, even better it can't attack and you still can, just hit it into a corner and keep at it.
Honestly this ends up being the strategy for 99% of the enemies in this game