well, whyd you want to do that in the guildhall?
How about random sword/shield/gun/armor/bomb vendors we can buy for the guild hall?
How about an NPC that gives you one random loot item base on a guild level (once per day).
How about an upgraded/unique alchemiser to give upgrading a chance to give an item a second or thrird unique variant.
how about a special clockworks termail that the Guild master can connect to any of the four open gates.
How about benches.
How about trees.
How about guild banners.
How about an area to mount trophies from rare monsters/bosses your guild encountered as a group (at least two people, both in the same guild to qualify).
How about random decorations items.
How about guild hall themes (a theme based on each element and a theme based on each type).
All these (with maybe the more useful ones being through CE) can be a good Crowns sink and can make a guild hall, well more of a guild hall then an empty space.
inb4 everyone trying this out in SK
Obviously shopped. I can tell from the pixels and from having seen a few shops in my time.
Its not photoshoped, while its easy to do, I did make me smile. The / command has not been executed (as we can see it), instead a command like /wave has been used a number of times, before the other "command" was listed on the chat window. If you try to run it your get the unknown command message.
lol, the sentence god-king posted is an internet meme, he's just joking around xD
Is that what guildies do when the yhave the guild hall to themselves? Q_Q what the fudge!
After this I for one think it is a good thing guildhalls have no furniture in them.
Well, if they won't let you do it to yourself, I guess I'll have to help you ~ ♥
Jim Dale is not impressed at this humor.
Pfff, haha, I totally laughed.
He wants Guild Hall customization or this thread is a complete derpo.
I was wondering why the floor in the guild hall was sticky.
Hee hee. Anyone else here subscribed to Newsweek? 'Cus the latest issue... lol
Not like the guild hall has any other purpose *cough* OOO *cough*
I was thinking about Magnus x Chris pr0nz when this happened. IMEANWUT?
I've seen some lovely pics of gremlins...
I swear I made one other post here today. Did it get removed because it was too inappropriate?
Still don't have permission to fap in guild hall...
It seems that any officials dont want to make a statement regarding your 'issue' :P
D: Surrounded by perverts, I am!
*drinks coffee*
*goes on internet*