Just because people were vendoring their 5 star trinkets to get rid of their stockpile of worthless primal sparks in a profitable way?
How is this a bugfix? People are going to have to run the same boring tiers 50 more times to get their more useful grim spark and forge spark trinkets. Is this what you intend?
So, let me ask this to the devs: Why should I bother spending 100 tokens in a crappy five star trinket, that offers either low defense, or low resist (TWO trinkets are as much as a single five star armor piece, resist wise. Defense doens't even get near), that quite literally will benefit me in no way at all (flawed resist system - Any resist lower than the tier's cap is 90% worthless, and once the cap is reached getting any more resist does nothing. And the cap is easily reached with five star sets and any shield. (on T3 - lower tiers can be reached with 3-4 star equipment even) No variants, no trinkets needed), when I could get a five star material for what, 20 tokens, and sell for 10k to 30k crowns, being able to profit way more and even get enough to buy a premade five star normal armor from a player? (if lucky, it'd be enough for TWO premade pieces of five star equipment)
This change was pretty damn stupid. If the trinkets were actually worth it, it wouldn't even be such a problem, but when status resistance is so flawed, and defenses on it are so minimal, there's no point.