just like the gun puppy this gun will fire a missil
It will go from star 3 to star 5 and the missiles will also behave like the gun puppies missiles do in each tier.
To keep it balanced the gun will only fire when charged.
Again like the gun puppy
From 3 star to 5 star and the flames will work like they do in each tier.
Again it will only shoot when charged
The flames wont hit the teammates so to dont get confused the flames should be blue.
Its a slow gun that would look like it has a drill at the end.
The bullets would be pretty slow
They would also be like missiles with drills at the end.
The bullets will go past enemies and hit them multiple times and at the end they will do a litttle explotion.
Pretty much how it sounds like
NO charge attack, keep pressed the attack button and the laser will go on
Low damage but as i said it goes on
To keep it balanced the laser will slow your movement.
it shoots tomatoes and it will look like a slingshot on a wood base
when a tomato hits an enemy it will stick to its face and therefore the enemy will be confused and move without controlling its direction
This one is less viable hahaha get it. For real its the less likely to be added to the game but ill give it a try
when you have it equipped there will be another space for a pickup, well not really
you drag vials to this space and a vial will be used, in that space you will now have 5 (or 3 to keep it balanced) status orbs
You use this orbs when you shoot and they always make a status.
When u got no orbs on that space you will do normal damage
You can only use one vial at a time so no more than 5 orbs.
it shoots a fast energy boomerang that goes past enemies tehn it returns to you.
The boomerangs would be kinda fast and the damage would be average.
The shooting speed would be a little slow so you can only have 2 boomerangs at a time.
The charge attack would throw a larger boomerang, yeah pretty creative.
I would pwn with the laser. Anyone played quake III with a lighting gun and an aimbot for kicks? Everything dies instantly. Even without an aimbot (I did it ONCE, no trolly) I can get some laggier people to die between their frames. Played against a guy with nearly 3k ping (my home computer is 80 something on a good server), and he died between frames. He saw no bullet, and his HP went from 100, lag, then 0. I was called a haxor.
3k ping is like, 3 frames per second though, but still this game has autoaim already. Having a straight constant laser and a homing missile would be a *tad* overpowered, charge or not.
Tomato catapult just sounds like a new status effect. I think it was actuualy in the beta, the name was *muddle*. Reverses controls. I could be wrong though.
Drill gun I can partialy vouch for, but with some edits in some stuff I'll suggest below;
Yes, another quake reference. Normal shots work like a magnus, but with less damage and the ability to go through things. Damage depletes as it passes through more targets. Does not pass through boxes. If magnus does X damage, the bulled would do half of that with one hit, then a third, then a sixth. Or something like that.
Charge is a long-range beam that has very high speed and range and passes through multiple targets, including boxes.
Residual gun.
Simmilar to the lighting gun, but with the one good strength nerfed and blended with some railgun qualities. The gun is constant fire, untill you have to reload. The ammunition is fairly good, however the longer you hold the fire key down the beam fades and fluxuates around, decreasing damage and accuracy.
If you hit a target, the beam straghtens and forms a invisible radius around the target. The beam will jump from of the target and onto anything close enough too it. The same goes for the next target, only the radius for new targets is smaller. Making the next monster have to be twice as close to get linked.
Same principle for linking chains, if there are twice as many monsters, they each have to get twice as close to get fork-linked, and each recive half of the range to make more links. Damage stays constant however, becuase it is really weak to begin with. A good gun for things like the jelly queen, but poor against things like the snarbolax.
Also, the radius starts from the edge of the target, not the center. If your target is 5 tiles wide, your radius starts 5 tiles out, then measures.
(... LOS LINKS!!!)
Gattaling gun.
Works differently from the steryotipical crank-gattaling. As opposed to turning the wheel for each shot to cause the barrel to revolve and fire, you wind it up and release to let it unload. The longer you charge, the more firing durration and bullets per second you get. So if you charge a teeny bit, you shoot for a short time, slowly. Example, one bullet for one second. Charge it up however, you might get 9 bullets for 3 seconds. Once you release though, you can't stop even to sheild.