Where would one find the data for backgrounds on Spiralspy? Thanks
Edit: Also, how does one change the model.dat's pose without causing the screen to blank out? O.o
Where would one find the data for backgrounds on Spiralspy? Thanks
Edit: Also, how does one change the model.dat's pose without causing the screen to blank out? O.o
Refer to Happyapathy's thread on Spiral-Spy scenes, he gives some very good explanations on how to do certain things in Spiral-Spy.
Oops. Someone finished before me. Oh well. Hope this is specific enough.
1) Weapons can be found by navigating to to the Folder labeled "rsrc", then the one labeled "item", then the one labeled "weapon".
2) Armor, Helms, Shields, and more can be found by the same process as the one explained above except that you'll take a turn once you get to the Folder "item" and enter the one labeled "gear". To find the Dragon Scale gear specifically, open the armor and helm folders. The D.S. Armor can be found in the Folder "hybrid" and the D.S. Helm can be found in the "lizardhat" one.
3) Click the "Edit" tab in the top-left, choose "preferences", press the "new environmental model" button, press the configuration button. Backgrounds can be found in the "rsrc" Folder also. From there open the one labeled "world", then the one labeled "skybox".
What a block of text, hm? Hope it proves helpful.
Thanks for the stuff. Now I just have to find out how to make my Knights do poses.
Again, sorry for the ignorant question but how does one get multiple knights/npcs into the thing? And posing? It blanks otu every time I try. ._.
I don't know about your poses question. What exactly blanks out? If you want multiple knights/npcs, just use environment models also (open the "character" Folder instead of the item or worlds one).
Whenever I try to choose a different pose instead of model.dat, the left screen where the grid/knight is goes grey.
Animations and models are two separate things that both use the .dat extension, what is happening is your trying to put an animation where a model goes, this is causing the program to crash, likewise putting a model where an animation belongs will also crash the program.
First of all get the better player model to work with, change model.dat to this:
This will allow a few more animations right away.
I have a guide here that should explain how to get specific animations.
Placing more knights, or any sort of character you want to add different animations to, requires making a copy of the model file so that you can apply different settings to it, so if you want a 2nd knight in your scene make a copy of "model_level.dat" and rename it something like "model_level2.dat" and use that for your second player, make note this will require you having to work with it as an Environmental Model and you should try to have a decent understanding of the "Edit" button before you do this.
My thread is fairly instructive if you read through it, should tell you how to do a number of basic steps and a few tricks I found out.
1) rsrc>item>weapons
2a) rsrc>item>gear>armor>hybrid (variant Drake Red)
2b) rsrc>item>gear>helm>lizardhat>model-alt.dat (variant Drake-Red)
In terms of three, all those have things used in the environment. Props uses things one would find in a stage (like for example barricades in FSC), dynamic uses items that animate in some way, environment can be used to create different ambients, skyboxes are used to create far away scene looks (such as the fire dome when in fire related zones or FSC), and finally tilesets are used to create actual stages piece by piece.