90% sure it's a light bug, but on morrcorft a candle lights up when standoing in front of it
Dark ritual
I'd like to suggest you use imgur instead of imageshack.
1. It automatically resizes your images for you. [This can be a bad thing if quality is important, but for general use it's fine.]
2. It's easier to directly link to images.
Your screens are over 1 megabyte each. That's just too damn big, and it's annoying to be brought to imageshack's page every time one clicks an image.
With imgur:
or, as an album,
Both images are now 100 kb, 10% of their original size.
If you hate imgur for whatever reason, at least resize your images before you upload them.
I've noticed this as well. Maybe it has something to do with graphic settings, like accessories on other knights aren't visible from a distance.
But the two candles seem to light up at different distances for me :-?
aaaah can't hold myself for saying this!!!
what Dark ritual?
ah there that feels better ^^
Aren't they always lit up? Or could you be referring to something else?