I enjoy my elevator pass. It allows me to play any level I want to without having to worry about making enough crowns to pay for CE to keep playing. I do believe these would be a good addition to the game. I would surely pay $5-$10 a month to get to play ANYTHING I want and not have to keep doing RJP and FSC over all day just so I can keep playing. I believe if this do become a staying addition they should still allow people to buy CE from the market so f2p can keep going. But I would really hate to have to go back to playing only RJP or FSC so I can make "money" to pay for the CE to keep playing.
Other thoughts are welcome to this tread...
http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd475/HectorUribe/spiral_2011-11-30_... Y U JELLY.