Welcome fellow Knight and thanks for taking the time in looking into the Fists. Here is where we as a guild can become strong, brave, honored, and maybe even feared. My dream is to see this guild grow being recognized by other top guild and players hoping to either join or spar. Please take time to read below.
Must be active
Must be mature
And good round of fun!
Gear is not a factor in recruitment. Not looking for full 5* players, and not looking for the best of the best. If you enjoy playing the game and want to enhance your experience with a guild is a welcome.
Rules of the Guild (every recruit, member, veteran, officer, and guild master is expected to follow these):
Fulfill the requirements. That means be mature, be active, and enjoy the time to be there.
Be honorable. Don't talk trash, be useless in a party, beg, spam, hate, troll, etc. As a member you'll be the face of our guild to Haven, and we want you to be a good representation of what we stand for.
Help guildmates. We're all one big team, and sometimes the little boost you can offer a guildie can help reach their goal.
Learn. Relationships are advanced by mutual teaching, and (hopefully) have just as much to teach you as you can teach us, whether it be about Spiral Knights, life in general, or even some random.
Recruit: Fresh into the guild, and/or no T2 access.
Member: T2 access, and smoothly integrated into the guild.
Veteran: Devoted player, active/fluent in the happenings of the guild, and T3 access.
Officer: Active, involved, and voted into place by the guild. T3 access, and willing to help guildies in any way necessary, from advice to running with them.
Guild Master: Proposes and implements changes to the guild and it's direction, and works with the officers to ensure all guildies are having a good time. As always, active and involved.
Rankings are most heavily influenced by activity and involvement in the guild. Tier requirements, in cases, will be overlooked if the other requirements are fulfilled.
Currently there are just two members [GM Almirian-Templar* & Officer Kyord] and would wish to see it grow. *Side note, I am changing my knight.
To be recognized as a strong guild filled with skilled and experience knights
Vanaduke runs
Jelly King runs
Snarbolax runs
Eventually do Shadow runs
Are you 13 or older?
What time zone are you in?
How much do you play in an average week?
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
Why do you want to join Almirian Fists.
May the fists shake the foundation of Cradle ~ Almirian-Templar
Still looking for new members.