In T2 , These two guns only can hit 19-20 damage with any enemy....
We doubt it there are something wrong with these two guns...
Maybe the Piercing and Elemental(Shadow) will conflict?
In T2 , These two guns only can hit 19-20 damage with any enemy....
We doubt it there are something wrong with these two guns...
Maybe the Piercing and Elemental(Shadow) will conflict?
When I were using Magnus, the gun with 30 piercing attack power, I delt 55 damage when hitting Beast and it was showed as yellow big numbers. It means I hit weak point of monster.
In tier limit case, Magnus delt 25 damage when I attack at tier 1 depth. That's true damage of high tier weapon will be reduced using at lower tier, bit It still "showed as big yellow number".
And the Silversix, with 30 piercing adn 30 elemental Attack power, delt 19 damage when hitting all kind of monster ,and always showed grey number. Even the monster's stongest point is not piercing or elemental. I don't think no any promblem with this gun.
I have the same issue here. Its very stupid these two weapons are never gonn be effective, just ineffective! This really needs a fix asap!!
For my Blackhawk, Shadow and Piercing:
Against Beasts, Piercing should be effective, Shadow normal -> Damage dealt is normal
Against Machine, Piercing is ineffective, Shadwo normal -> Damage dealt is lower
Against Demon, Piercing is normal, Shadow is ineffectiv -> Damage dealt is lower
Against Jelly, Piercing is weak, Shadow normal -> Damage dealt is lower
Against Ghosts, Piercing normal, Shadow weak -> Damage dealt is lower
Against Gremlin, Piercing is normal, Shadow should be effective -> Damage dealt is normal
well, for one, their damage is reduced. we just had a silversix that hits 20s in t2 go to hitting 60s in t3.
it's a balancing thing. i agree that the damage is still a bit low, but they're spammy and very mobile.