Hello everyone! I need help with items and equipment i should use right now!!!
My current items right now are: Wolver Cap, Wolver Coat, Spur (Soon to be switched with Brandish), Flourish, and Owlite Shield (Probably going to be changed into the Bristling Bucker!).
I have some questions, are my items good right now for a Tier 2 person like me or should i change some items?
Are these items/equipment going to be good for doing a solo snarby run?
When is a good time for me to do a JK (Jelly King) Run?
Should I keep my flourish for now against snarby/the gloaming woods levels?
What items will you recommend for me once I can get to the JK?
Are these items/equipment good for doing solo runs on some random tier 1 or tier 2 depths/levels???
Well those are all of my questions, please answer at least 2 or more. I'm having trouble thinking out on what i really want and need to buy. So please help me. :)
What are good items that you suggest for me?
Just to let you know, Spur ends at 4*, not 3*. The final form is the Winmillion.
I've heard negative things about it, but I think it can be useful if you can master its tricky mechanics.
Other than that, good advice Icee.
Yeah, the Spur goes to 4*. Icee's point was that he feels that the 4* version of the Spur is not good. Many people don't like the Winmillion, because it fires a projectile with each regular swing and makes enemies dodge all over the place. The 3* Arc Razor doesn't do this (it behaves just like the 2* Spur). The other obvious downside of the Spur is not having a 5* form at all.
He said it stops being good after 3* not that the alchemy line ends at 3*
the winmillion sucks because of the projectiles it shoots
I don't have the Spur anymore, I switched my Spur to a Brandish after Icee posted his comment. And yea I know Spur goes up to 4* and isn't really that great. I only used it for a little while just to get to Moorcraft Manor and to get my Tier 2 clearance. But thanks for all your help :)! Oh and I do try out bombs. I have 3, Toxic Vaporizer, Freezing Vaporizer, and the Fiery Vaporizer! And again, thank you for all your help!
The equipment you have is a great start and is pretty much perfect for fighting Snarbolax. I'm guessing you like swords best, and flourish and brandish are the best places to start (the spur is actually quite good, it just stops being good after 3*). Keep the flourish and upgrade it - it's a great sword. If you prefer the charge attack of the snarble barb (it shoots an array of spines instead of a three swing combo), you may want to switch to that, but the flourish is identical other than the charge.
I would recommend trying out guns and bombs, for fun and for a side-arm if you decide to buy an extra weapon slot or two in the future. Elemental alchemers are generally good sidearms for swordfighters since they are great for killing turrets, and vaporizer bombs (especially freezing, but also fire in arenas and royal jelly palace) tend to be good compliments to swords.
For your shield, Owlite and Bristling Buckler are both excellent. Don't give up one for the other; use both and equip the one that's best for the level you're on (buckler for beasts and slimes, owlite for shock, fire, and constructs).
Upgrade your piercing defenses (wolver to dusker, bristling buckler to twisted targe) and make a nightblade from your brandish and get a fiery vaporizer MK II for the Royal Jelly Palace (an elemental gun for the lumbers and gun puppies is also useful). I think 3* gear is enough for the Royal Jelly, but it will be easier with 4*, so keep upgrading those items if you want to make the palace easier. If you have more experienced friends to play with, you can go with the gear you have now and, if you're careful, you can be a useful teammate, but the shadow sword and fire bomb will help a lot and the extra defenses are always useful.
Your items are certainly good enough for tier 1 soloing. With skill, you can solo tier 2 with them as well, but the lower half of tier 2 will be quite difficult until you upgrade to some 3-4* items.