With my kilowatt pulsar I can do reasonably well in T2 arenas…all except the third section, thanks to that wave where 8 turret enemies spawn around the room and shoot 3 bullets per salvo, which breaks my shield instantly if I'm not careful. This usually ends up in a frustrating mist revival, or me consuming all three of my health capsules. Any tips for making my arena runs more efficient?
Need help on T2 arenas
Fri, 12/02/2011 - 06:29
Fri, 12/02/2011 - 07:18
Then just apply it by making sure you control WHEN the puppy wave spawns, make sure to kill the last enemy that triggers them while standing near a corner. From there, carefully pick them apart one by one. This is harder with polyps of course.
My strategy has always been to manage the waves so that when the turrets spawn I am dealing with turrets only.
Next, have an upgraded shield designed for the status or damage theme for the arena so that it can take a few shots without breaking.
Finally, have a decent sword so when you get next to the turret you can take it down between attacks.
Clear the 2 turrets closest to you back track and clear the next 2 turrets then back track around and clear 2 and continue this back and forth until all turrets are cleared. Typically when down to the last turret I clean up crowns/heat and eat a pill if necessary before starting the final wave. Done correctly and confidently it is perfectly possible to do with zero damage and even possible to do without ever colliding with a missile.
With some practice and some strategy working back and forth you can minimize the number of missiles coming your way and the shield isn't really even necessary except when closing in on a turret that has another turret right behind it that is attacking out of phase. Howlitzers are the most complicated turret for this strategy because you have to contend with the exploding head afterward.
This strategy is applicable regardless of Tier and will probably have to be modified to adapt to gunslinging as I am a swordsman.
This strategy works solo or in parties. It works better in parties because you can usually run towards a party member and the turrets in that area are focused on the other guy so you can eat a pill or charge in safety.
Last note; do not attempt to run past any turrets. It can be done but you are making things hard on yourself because you will aggro missiles from behind and in front whereas using my method you will keep missiles coming from one direction only. Additionally, running past the turrets on the East/West sides of the screen guarantee a hit on you or your shield and if shielded delays your running and creates a missile hell situation.