Look closely between the eyes of the skolver cap and maybe you will see what I have noticed. There seems to be some sort of markings, but they are hard to make out. It's in a slightly lighter grey than the stripe, almost as wide as the stripe, and just as tall as the eyes. I can't tell what it is, and I'm curious to know if anyone else has noticed this or if I am just seeing things.
Does the Skolver Cap have forehead markings, or am I imagining things?

I'm serious, and I'm also a girl. Don't dismiss it until you actually look please.

Extreme closeup

Add a red circle to it. I don't see anything unusual.Just a normal skolver cap.

I can barely make it out (Because Juances threw it in the "Too big file size" "Can't zoom in on IPad/IPhone/IPod" Imageshack..."), but I think I can faintly see something. If Juances threw it in imgur, that would be better. :P (I could then tell 100%.)

Here's a link to a not so great photo with a red circle around where I am seeing these markings:

It looks like differents shades of gray just to create fake light/shadows. Only half of the mask is textured, the rest is mirrored, according to game files.
Yes, I'm bored.

So yes, upclose, it does look like shadows, but if you can see it more at a distance, it looks like some symbol perhaps. It seems to definant to have been by chance.

No, Hollows is right. The markings say, "Ban this armor from Lockdown."
Edit: No offense Skolvers :D

I see about the same thing. I think until we know what it is, it is subjective to each person what it looks like.

they're pixels. on a texture map.

Hmm... Oddly enough, it slightly reminds me of Deadshot Mantle and Spookat, though I'm not seeing a connection between those and Skolver.

The spookat mask uses the same model as the wolver series, just with a bland lavender texture and wings tacked on the side.
I really wanted to like my spookat mask, but... nope. Oddly the Phantom mask turned out to be my favourite.

I see it, but it just seems like a texture shade to me.

I see a little roundish arrowhead shape where you mention, its not filled in, just a outline. I'm sure its nothing important however.

only im seeing a circle with a line thru it, kind of like the energy symbol, only grey instread of blue

I meant that the markings remind me of the Spookat. I didn't mean the Skolver Cap looks like the Spookat Mask. I can see clearly that the Spookat Mask uses the same model as the Wolver line caps, I'm not that blind. I was simply saying that when I looked at the markings on the Skolver Cap, it made me think of the Deadshot Mantle and the actual Spookat monster, not that the markings resemble those two things.

That's just noise added into the texture to prevent it from lookin' flat. There's no actual symbol on there.
Rorschach much?

Maybe it is just an inkblot... Didn't know OOO was trying to be our psychiatrist though. O.o

Looks like this to me
Though its so faint i had to put my face literally 3cm away from my screen...
Don't know what it is, don't care what it is since you cant see it easily in game

Such an interesting discussion, but I think the marking is merely a dither. The texture is symmetrical across the nose and for whatever reason is only made up of a couple dithered colors instead of a continuous gradient. In the following images the right side of the image is the middle of the nose. Turning up the contrast you can see a circle-like ring centered on the front of the Skolver Cap:
In my opinion, these dithered textures are quite reminiscent of the Dark Ritual. There is probably a connection there.
Lay off the crack man :3