This level has an open layout and neat the end is an energy gate containing 15-18 Gun Puppies with treasure boxes at the end.
I need to know the name; to the best of my knowledge, it's not currently at an elevator.
This level has an open layout and neat the end is an energy gate containing 15-18 Gun Puppies with treasure boxes at the end.
I need to know the name; to the best of my knowledge, it's not currently at an elevator.
It must have been a regular Clokworks Tunnel level with a random danger room.
Since clokworks layout varies and danger rooms are selected randomly, you have to be lucky to find the exact same level again.
If it's not a clockworks tunnel level with the gun puppy danger room (doesn't really have an open layout. more tunnely), maybe it's Aurora Isles: The Low Gardens?
Oh I remember, that part that looks like a tower defense. With some switch gates and wings.
I'm thinking it was the Aurora Isles (The levels looks like the Jelly Farms, but isn't), thanks Geekfox and Nicoya-Kitty.
It contains nine Gun Puppies.
Yep, sounds like the Low Gardens. My favorite Aurora Island after Jelly Farm due to the possibility of finding the ever rare Love Puppy.
This is my exact quest, lol.
15 to 18 gun puppys?
That sounds like the last phase of an arena.
I'm not sure though.