Eury and a couple of other GM's are locking my topics and mock me behind my back.
GM's evil?
It's okay, lots of people mock you behind your back
Mainly because of threads like this.
Don't listen to them they are a hater too.
Smogrn and Grievos are the same person~!
...probably not. Here, have a free snipe.
...the best solution is posting another pointless topic you sir are a genius.
I saw this guy at Target a few days ago when I was buying more formula and diapers. He had cornered some 15 year old at the checkout counter, and was shelling him with Pokemon tactical advice. See, the 15 year old appeared to have a passing interest in buying a pack of cards, and this 6"2', 200 pound, early 40's balding creepshow had figured it was a great time to make a friend. He stood in the middle of the line, like a bulwark of crazy, scaring this poor average nerd half to death with his penetrating gaze and his foul, foul stench.
your posts make me remember that little vignette.
They lock your threads because you make troll threads. I've only seen 2 out of like, 25 threads that belong to you that aren't troll threaDS.
It's threads like these that get you banned. Keep it up, and the GMs, will ban you PERMANTELY from the Forums, which, for all I know, will most likely be a bad thing. It's threads like these that also give me entertainment.
the reason they are locking topics is because(not to be mean)they take up space.You complain about being mocked when you keep making posts like these.
Tengu, your vocabulary is outstanding.
Maybe 'cause you create 20 threads per minute....
LOL the speed of grievos 20 Tpm (threads per minute)
Haters gonna hate Grievos. Even GMs can be haters.