Hey it's medic gear! So yeah, i'm a bit interested in them now that we have trinkets. As a bomber, i look forward to working in teams and hoping that we may see some 5* gear in the future for this line.
Any news on Vitasuit gear?

useless they are. They only look decent. The only thing worse I can think of is the cautery sword

Vitasuits can be put to good use! It is the medic gear and I for sure would love all that health to revive players. Add that to love trinkets and you're a freaking Blissy!

Ancient plate came to my head once as gear i can use/not as a cosmetic just for the +8 health bars each on helmet and armor.

The downside is that both movement speed and attack speed is decreased when using the armour, as well as taking ridiculous amounts of damage from special-type attacks.
The upside is that you get a lot more health and anything that inflicts pure normal damage is only going to end up tickling you.

All we need now is heavy armor for shadow defense. Ironmight gives piercing, volcanic gives elemental, and ancient it's a huge buff on normal with the extra health.
I wouldn't be upset if it was removed completely.