If u had a Guild what would u name it?
are you making a Guild, but you can't think of a name, so you ask people in the Forums what they would call it & Steal it once you find one you like?
(If it's just for thought, sorry, I'm just Paranoid, due to Past Experiences. Happened at least 5 times to me...)
Nope I do have a name but I won't make it until like I get 5 star shield.
Foreveralone, and I would be the only member.
Why? Oh nvm lol forever alone
"Pwncakes & Rofls"
ZeroX Division?
Final Flight?
Wings of Glory?
^^^^^^Cuz I suck at names :D
Those are good I like the last one, WiNgS Of GlORY!!
Cuz I think they sound a bit cliche or self promoting..... :/
IDK. ><
Take your pick. I'll probably not use them.
If I had a more serious name, I'd probably use "Campaign of Spiral".
lol @ destroyer. Jelly much! Seriously ADD ME DESTROYER. T_T *summons arcane salamander*
Is it really so hard to send me a friend request and wait for me to accept it? ^_- ?
My inactive boyfriend's guild is I Solo Everything. He's the only member.
And stop using your avatar to give that cute look. It's distracting.
Really Emotional Dudes
And your Rival Guild can be
Bad Luck Users
I had Knight Bus because I'm a Harry Potter nerd. I think it still exists because my friend was in it and she stopped playing.
I named one once Wolver Pwn
Then realized I was beaten to 99% of the title...
So I left and joined a better guildz
The Second Amendment
If you don't get it, look up the U.S. Second Amendment
its awesome, and i dont want anyone to use it (selfish much?)
(i like my current guild... though i wanted to make one of my own just for a secondary name for myself)
anyway, i had other ideas anyway...
Knights of the Regalia, but it wont fit the 20 char limit, therefor: KnightsOfTheRegalia
Bully Horse (Trojan)
I made one in the test server called "Six Pack Brigade".