Ok, so i'm planning out my Snarby Coat, its beautiful enough on its own, but.....
I only have one fancy parrying blade, and im not sure it want to use it just yet....
I have my proto crest, which stands out beautifuly! but i'm not sure if itl look better on a green tabard or something else.....
and i have a nifty canteen :p
Teal;Deer what would be the coolest accessory to put on the front of snarby coat =o?
Isn't it: 'TL;DR' ? Or did you know that already?
I'm not sure :/
I think the Snarby coat is best as a stand-alone, as far as my experience goes, aside from perhaps that spike thingy u can get, if you want it to look more beast-like.
Proto crest I think looks better on plainer gear like Proto, like this: http://imgur.com/a/yYe2B#0
Canteens are good for anything like robes. Rose regalia and magic cloaks etc.
Parrying blade is a general purpose accessory, IMO. Can stick it to just about anything, but level of appreciation differs with set armor/person.
And I think the Snarby set is better off without the Helm. It's looks...odd, to me anyway. Flat-faced-ish. Find a suitable replacement.
IMO anyway. I'm told I have bad taste, so don't rely on my ideas too much.
EDIT: PLAIN, as in basic/bare armours. I don't know how clearer to define that :/
EDIT2: On looking at the accessories page, I believe that the parrying blade would look best on a Snarbolax coat. The colour scheme fits pretty well, and I think it would look pretty ok.
Can we get one of you Spiral Spy guys to post a preview of each? Just so she has an idea of what they would look like?