"The Clockworks weather forecast shows an incoming cold front with a chance of snipes..."
I want to prepare by saving my mist on the day of the release!
Click here to see what I'm talking about...
"The Clockworks weather forecast shows an incoming cold front with a chance of snipes..."
I want to prepare by saving my mist on the day of the release!
Click here to see what I'm talking about...
Who made those hats for the snipes? Anyway, very cool, I hope there's an event to go with it like there was for Halloween. It'll probably be the last days of December (last 12 maybe?)
Sweeeettttt. Haha look at the little snipe with a christmas hat. IS THAT BOSWICK?!?!? OMGG
I remember the christmas hats in beta ^_^
Can't wait for the unlimited versions! Snowing effects around your character FTW!
Or maybe the snowing effect will be an accessory like the pumpkin bandoliers !? EPICCCCC 8D
HATS. I want a Santa haaat gimme gimme gimme -makes grabby hands-
But yeah, I'm looking forward to this! It's possible that this update will have those ankle-biter thingies too, since the one they showed us was freeze themed.
Snowing effect + Cute Skolver armor... I would have so much love for OOO right then. <3
Snow effect would look awesome on my newly acquired Ice Queen set.
there is no snow! just paint! http://imageshack.us/f/841/paintmt.png/ D:<
Woot epic.