- |NEW| Wolver Cap UV Curse Low
- |NEW| Wolver Cap UV Pierce Low
- Magic Cloak UV Shock High. I'd like to get kinda lots of cash for it, around 35000 CR, can be lower or higher :) already sold to Crossproduct
- Dusker Coat UV Freeze Low for >450 CE (unbind fee included)
- Wolver Coat UV Freeze MAX! and Normal Low - Price isn't stable, there will be an 'auction'. Who gives most, wins. Sold for 1100 CE to Jerome |GROAN - Ripped off. Should've done some pricechecking...
- |NEW| Wolver Coat UV Curse Medium
- |NEW| Spiral Demo Suit Curse Low
- |NEW| Wolver Coat UV Poison Low
- |NEW| Wolver Coat UV Shadow Low
- Royal Jelly Band >6500 CE (I don't really want to sell it, but if someone offers very much, I will) (unbind price included)
- Any Jelly Token item (but only one) for between 600-750 CE (unbind fee included)
- Troika Recipe for >1000 CR
- Portal Game Gift (price seriously unknown...) (Steam Profile)
- Lots of green shards (low price pls)
- Wolver Cap or Coat (cap more likely) with UV's Curse and Shock Max (can be separate)
- Fused Demo Suit Recipe <4900 CR Bought
- Avenger Recipe
- Toxic Needle Recipe
- Striker Recipe
- Dark Thorn Blade Recipe
- Silversix Recipe
- Ash Tail Coat Recipe
ill buy a sealed sword for 600ce