I have a vog set, Im wondering if either Valkyire or Fallen sets are useful in any of the shadow lairs. I know Fallen is the better of the two for FSC but since I have vog. basically im wondering if Id ever use either of these two as a shadow defense set in common levels or certain shadow lairs where I wouldn't find my vog useful. So tired of wolver line being useful ._.
Valkyrie and Fallen
Tue, 12/06/2011 - 15:30
Tue, 12/06/2011 - 16:23
I wore Fallen in SGWW
For my first trip to the Shadow Gloaming Wildwoods, I wore one piece of Fallen, one piece of Skolver, and Barbarous Thorn Shield. It worked quite well. There are no slimes or gremlins, so you won't bring a Gran Faust, and there are no phantoms. So the curse penalty doesn't matter. And there are no fiends, so the fiend penalty doesn't matter. After you beat the boss, you enter the Unknown Passage, where there are slimes but you can change your equipment at will.
Shadow Lairs... They both have poison resist for snarby, but that is all.
Maybe the valkirie for curse resist on shadow vana, but this also has negative fire.