Separate arcade for "speed testing".

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Legacy Username

Right now it is too hard to test ideas about construction in the arcade. Cory (?) asked in another thread if people played with gate construction, and the common response was "it takes too long to see what you are doing".

So a proposal. Have a second arcade where floors are "cheaper" to build, and gates cycle quickly. This arcade cannot build deeply down (perhaps only to the 4th floor rest stop), and the gates will cycle fast enough to generally be single use.

Hmm ... single use won't work, actually. If you want two ticks (so you can see what your minerals do to the blocks in the first tick), 5 minutes per tick, that's 10 minutes per cycle; with 8 of these, you'll probably get 40 minutes of use from a gate. That's probably two uses, which is probably workable/balanced.

(To clarify: Other than a smaller, scaled cost, and a smaller dungeon built, this second speed-cade would otherwise function the same as the Haven arcade.)

Legacy Username
You know, I was going to come

You know, I was going to come in here with a mean-spirited comment, but then I read your post and this is actually a really good idea. I'd definitely support this.