I should make a guild in this character, one for my type of people. All hail "The Scourge". ;) Let the scams and trolling in-guild begin. I am not saying I will, just asking if it'll make your day or WHO would actually join?
A guild for trolls! Would it make your day?
I made a guild for myself so that I don't get random invites.
Invite Grievos, Damastaa, and some others. BTW you troll yourself by making said guild.
Why am I a troll? I only did it once... or twice... or...
But isn't making a guild for trolls basically calling youself trolls... so then your not trolling. It's like if your going to try and surprise someone and you tell them your going to do it before you do anyway.
Sorry, Sir your plan is ruined Echo of Silence is filled up with way 2 many trolls. The members troll the guild masters just to get a rank true story.. Well have fun finding a new goal in Spiral Knights.
Okay a guild for villians then. I love trolli..ALL HAIL THE SCOURGE. Our banner are the gremlin's symbol. T_T
I'll get all the bad knights in SK to join. oyeahfearmemaijellies.
And by bad I mean bad bad. Not gameplay bad.
EDIT: You're just jelly nj*
....you really need to learn to edit your posts this might help you out:
1. Post on a topic
2. Omg I got a new idea
3. Find the post you just made
4. Locate a button called edit it can be found on the bottom left-hand corner its called edit.
5. Click on the button which you just located.
6. Add your new thoughts
7. Save it and WOW topic is edited and you don't have to spam.
I love trolling in game randomly. I join a party wearing full gunslinger stuff, shooting off my pulsar and magnus for the first few floors. Then, I swap to pure swordsman, while still wearing my Gunslinger Gear as a costume. I've confused so many ppl that way :P
He's lonely on the forums...