Due to the fact that Jim Dale is Jim Dale, Jim Dale looking for somebody generous enough to enlighten Jim Dale's soul and spirit, by mailing him (KEYWORD: MAILING) all your Crystal Energy. Free. No, Jim Dale is not insane for asking this, there is someone kind enough to give him their life savings for free. Who knows, you may even be Jim Dale's personal monkey for a day or few, and dance for him. щ(゚Д゚щ)
Looking for someone to mail (Keyword: MAIL) Jim Dale all their CE, for Jim Dale's swagger. Is this crazy to ask? No. Will this be hard for Jim Dale to get one? No. Bowser, Jim Dale knows, or at least thinks, is Mario.
Happy Holidays to Jim Dale!
IGN.com Jim-Dale
I cant mail you all my energy for Free unless they remove the message costs.