So, I'm currently gearing up for t3, and I've been looking around for what armor would be good for a gunslinger. Blitzneedle and weapons, generally are a given, however, I've little idea what I want for armor and shield that's good for a gunner. I'm thinking the Deadshot and Nameless branches of the Gunslinger armor line would be good, but given that, I'm not enitrly sure what'd be a good shield to go for. Owlite? Jelly? Something else?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I have a Deadshot Mantle and Nameless hat as part of my FSC equipment, as well as a Grey Owlite in my armoury. I would suggest either the Grey Owlite or a Volcanic Plate shield for FSC, until you get the Crest of Almire, which is my current shield.
If you can get a gunslinger set with a fire UV, that would be extremely handy, as well.