Okay so, I had a crazy idea. I missed my chance at scissors, But I'm positive they will return. so: Here's the mission: Collect Shadow Keys. why Shadow Keys? Because, a single shadow key is valued at 1k ce resell. So, If I collect say: 25 shadow keys, That there can fund me purchasing scissors! So, My new mission is not to collect CE, As I have a problem with spending it, but, to collect shadow keys which remain safe and sound in my inventory. I mention this on the forums because A: Others may like my idea and save keys the same way, or B: if people like me they may help me on my quest, and I can offer different items I may have collected for said keys.
Mission: Collect Shadow Keys!

So you're going to spend 45,000 Crystal Energy (3,105,000 crowns) to get 25 Shadow Keys (worth 1,800 energy each) to re-sell them for 25,000 Crystal Energy (1,000 Crystal Energy per key, 1,725,000 crowns) for Scissor Blades?
Where's the logic in this?

I buy the keys off others for no more than I plan to resell for. So If i buy keys for 1300 ce, that's what I'll resell them for at the end.

Wouldn't it be better to just hold on to the energy? If you're really worried about spending it, mail the amount you want to save to yourself. That way, it'll be kept in your mail, and not on you so that you won't accidentally spend it.

They could put shadow keys on sale, offering them at 1000 CE when you bought them for 1500-1800. You won't be able to regain your investment for ages.
Better idea might be to get CE and mail it to an alt on the same account (making sure to spell it right or someone else might end up with it). Don't touch the CE and just let it grow over time.

Mail gets deleted after 30 days, so if it's gonna take longer than that to save up, might want to keep that in mind. You wouldn't want your CE to just get deleted, right?

Then post CE in Depot for SELL (9000) or BUY (4000). No time periods in ED, right? And if you need CE fast or crowns - simple cancel the offer. =)

Well, I save using crowns instead. You can accept those mails on the alt since crowns aren't shared between characters.

-One week later, OOO deletes all the mail, for some reason I can't think of atm-
All the CE, all of it, GONE.

It was mentioned here (so I don't know if it makes sense) that if you send something and the recipient doesn't open it after 30 days, it is returned to you. So no ce will be lost.
Also, CE market offers expire after 10 days[?] and if they aren't filled you get your [cr|ce] back.

Mail containing attachments are returned to the sender if they aren't accepted, meaning, that they would just go back to him in another mail (as odd as that sounds). Now, if you don't open that mail for 30 days, I don't know what happens. In any case, you could just accept the return of the goods and re-send it. Simple as that.
I have 5, but I'm hoping that some day they'll be 1500CE, which is what I paid for them (silly me). :v I guess I'm doing the same thing you are, except the part where I actually meant to do it.