Well, happened today. Found a pale, smaller spookat who seemingly never attacked. Mewkat indeed. But....no MEWSPAM. Only ghostly derpface. Whine.
..........I think i found a MewKat without the Mewing.
Sun, 12/11/2011 - 06:07

Sun, 12/11/2011 - 13:13

Translation:I think i found an Mewkat that seemingly was bugged, since it didn't "mew" and only showed the reguluar aggressive Spookat face but did never attack. Has anyone else experienced this or am i just "doing it wrong"?
Sun, 12/11/2011 - 15:17

I certainly don't know what
I certainly don't know what "an Mewkat" is, but "a Mewkat", yes.
Wait what, wait wait..
Wait what?