I've been thinkng, the snarby has a color scheme that is pretty much the same as any of the swarm monsters (shadow lair monsters), and he has all those crazy powers like spikes, etc. but, when you stun him, he turns back into the basic alpha wolver color scheme, well, is the snarbolax an "omega part-swarm wolver"?
Sarbolax: the first "swarm"/"part-swarm" monster?
Sun, 12/11/2011 - 07:58

Sun, 12/11/2011 - 08:15

-I'm Wondering...
Ok serious answer:
Not sure really. Would be a nice idea, but he was implemented far before the Shadow Lairs. I think he just has the "power of darkness!" or something and it would fit the atmosphere of the levels. I would argue the swarm is influencing the bosses, but not controlling them. Would make sense with the swarm increasing with the level depth, and then the sanctuary.
Plus Snarby is red and black, not purple and black. Still a good theory