So this morning, I decided to try RAGECRAFTING for the first time. I was planning on ragecrafting Brandishes, and seeing what I got.
First craft: ASI High and +Damage Med vs Gremlins
Not only am I blown away by my luck, but now I have no idea what to do with the Brandish. Should I sell it, or use it myself? I have a Nightblade and a Blizzbrand (With their respective recipes). Also, how much should I sell it for if I do sell it?
This guy got a Brandish w/ ASI: High, too, & he asked for Advice, aswell. He ended up keeping it & Turning it into a Shockburst.
EDIT: Sorry, meant Shockburst.
EDIT2: Oh, yeah, forgot about that. Thanks, Jaunces.