its very important please answer if u know him.
somebody knows Lionvv?
If we did know him, why would we tell a stalker like you?
Tell us why.
can u answer?
If I say yes, what you gonna do?
thats was my brother he likes to pretend he is me and make kind of nonsensei am lionvv just created a forum acount in this name just ignore this post ill change my pasword so my brother wont do thins things again.
Meh, even if he did post as an alt to ask about himself about himself that's understandable. You won't get an honest answer otherwise.
Player 1: Hey, has anyone heard of me?
player 2: Lol I don't know you, what kind of question is that.
player 3: I heard of you when I read this thread, durrr.
Player 1's alt: Hey, has anyone heard of player 1?
Player 2: Yeah, traded with him.
player 3: Yeah, was in a party with him once.
me: Yeah, I've seen him today in lockdown. He told everyone to fill the bribe. Three times.
That last part might be less example than reality...
that was my brother as u said its a very stpid thing to ask about yourself i didnt troll that my brother.
i even barely come in to forums i am not a troll
i have the same punctuation as him?
how do u know my punctuation and his?
he only said a sentence thats all how can u know his punctuation.
i really didnt do that thing about who in the earth would have been done such a stupid thing only somebody who wants to troll or ruin for somebody else.
i hope u belive me because i am not a troll i changed my pasword so u will never see any trollin from this acount again