A "dressing room" for new weapons/armor

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Legacy Username

I think that in order to prevent players from spending a ton of money on an item only to find out that it's not what they expected, there should be some kind of room or other way to test stuff out before you buy it. Some kind of room, for example, where you can see what a piece of equipment looks like on you and test it out on some targets. I realize this may be logistically difficult to implement, but it could work and would be especially helpful considering how long it takes to make enough money to buy anything.

Legacy Username
Legacy Username
Yeah, but more importantly,

Yeah, but more importantly, my idea was to be able to actually test weapons on targets to see if the description actually matches the function of the item.

Pauling's picture
Pictures? Descriptions? Stats? Hmm.

It sounds like you're describing the wiki, which will hopefully continue to grow as the game does.

Legacy Username
Testing in game

Well, actually being able to test in game, rather tan opening a new tab, writing down all the stats, and comparing then...sound like a good idea for me. Also, there could be, in this room, a monster respawn area, where you could test damage bonuses, pushback attacks efect, how often the efects are used while you attack, and some other things.