Whats the fastest tier / way to earn crowns? Eg 8-10k crowns in a run
Is it jelly king spams?
Whats the fastest tier / way to earn crowns? Eg 8-10k crowns in a run
Is it jelly king spams?
Either Jelly King spam if you have the gear, or just find the most profitable gate that's up and run it constantly. The first tier of the Golden Lion Gate that's up right now gives you like 3.3k-4k depending on whether you get the arena floor near the top and if you do any of the in-floor arenas that show up.
I haven't been able to clear a whole T2 run yet, me and my friend are just trying to get more of our gear to 3* so we can take out the Royal Jelly without getting murdered on the way down.
Personally, I'd rather die a pauper than endure a chain of graveyard levels. :(
Graveyards are absurdly simple once you've gotten used to fighting zombies en-masse. An Avenger/Divine Avenger make it an absolute joke. They're much easier to do solo than in a group, unless you go with someone who is just specifically there to spank Phantoms.
Jelly King spam, or any set of floors with a large number of consecutive potential arenas/graveyards/treasure vaults.