Im curious about others stories,how you started SK,how you ulgraded,I need yours story about SK
your story

110 of those views are all mine. Tisk tisk for Softpaws.

I know that's not what you meant but hey! I need to advertise it somehow.

Im asking you how you started out?Not this useless spam.

The Spiral Knights community can be so cruel!! T-T
On topic: I started with proto gear, of course. (LULZ) And so on, eventually decided to become a bomber and make 2* gear, actually bought it for 1k since they are cheap in the AH. Worked my way up doing runs, don't merch. Use jelly tokens to get more money too etc. Now I'm nearly T3.

Tho I could ragecraft what i've learned with recipes but idk if they bind? but yeah. 50/50 mist. that'd be useless tho lol.

Started out being lazy in beta.
Bought a LOT of CE.
Continued being lazy after release.
Bought even more CE, (and wasted it of course.)
Still being lazy the day today, and wasting lots of CE.
True story.

Some friends invited me during the steam introduction. The first levels I did was snarbolax with those friends. One was quite skilled and we started doing contests, who could get a levi before the other? Who could solo Royal Jelly? He won most of them but got bored eventually. When I finally beat him at soloing vanaduke first he had practically quit playing.
I built a friendslist, got vog, made a DA and began grinding FSC. At some point after getting my first full 5* set (free to play) I began spending money, my time becoming more precious than the few bucks the energy cost.
I was completely self sufficient and a pretty good player, I also for some reason rarely ran into those horrible PUGS people mention (I met a lot of great players) so I decided to look for a guild with personality and friendly players instead of the super serious grinders I knew every game has. I'm not an outspoken fan (keep that [crap] to myself and now my guild), but I knew knights of Equestria was extremely likely to have the friendliest kind of players in them. In retrospect, I'm happy it also has the amount of skilled T3 players in it I need to form guild parties with.
I enjoyed lockdown a lot when released, so I made a Skolver set and began UVing my gear. With the heart pendants made craftable and almost all shadow lairs done several times I'm running out of goals. Two more items with very high ASI to go and I'll just relax, save and wait for new content. Finally play some Skyrim.

Guardianknight saw this game in an article of the current top ten free mmo games. Guardianknight has been looking
for a good mmo game for a while and decide to try this one. So he joined sometime in late April, 2011.
He arrived at the Rescue camp where he met a group of knights sitting around the fire. He became close friends with
one of these knights and once he got to haven, Guardianknight joined the Iron Dragon Guild, created by his friend.
Guardianknight has always been an F2Per so it was a little hard for him at first but he quickly learned the ways of the
game. He progressed through RJP until he was victorious and eventually reached 5*. He worked his way up in ranks
and became the Officer of the Iron Dragon Guild.
He is still an F2Per though, because he already has 5* gear, has thought about paying some both to get him one of those
pretty Snarby coats and because he thinks Three Rings deserves the money for such a great game. Guardianknight has
met a lot of great people, but he's also seen some great people leave do to RL. Always sad but bound to happen to us all
at some point in time.
He loves Lockdown and plays it whenever he's out of Mist Energy but he's not that great at it.
Guardianknight hopes you've enjoyed this story about him.
If any of you would like to be friends with Guardianknight feel free to send a request.
He looks forward to meeting many new people and enjoying all the content to come.
The one and only, Guardianknight
Officer of the Iron Dragon Guild.
cool story bro