I was just wondering if you would still profit from buying CE in order to run T2 dungeons? Do people do this?
Worth it to buy CE?
I would never suggest using CE to run a dungeon, there's too much of a risk that you will lose money with CE prices the way they are. From what I've seen, most people use CE to craft items or buy them. I'm not sure if it's worth it to use CE to go through T3 though, you'll have to find someone who has actually done it.
Today I got lucky and joined groups 3 times. Each time I landed either on the last level of stratum 3, or the 1st level of stratum 4. Currently with the Romulous Twins (or however you spell it) you have a chance to play back to back arenas before entering the boss levels. With the JK it is a guaranteed arena followed by the boss levels.
Last level stratum 3 arena netted me ~1.5k cr, and first level stratum 4 arena netted me ~2kcr. Each boss level (with the exception of the boss himself) net you at least 1k cr. Skip the boss at the end (unless you need the tokens) and you'll easily make over 7k CR in 60 CE or less for a 40 CE profit (i actually think you can do it in less than 50 CE). Of course, you need a bit of luck and you can't waste any CE on reviving.
Anyways, I started today with 60 ME and 200CR, and ended the day with around 150CE and 3k CR.
EDIT: just checked with the online CE balance thing, and I have 158CE. I'll also throw in that I only played the JK once and didn't play the twins.
Assuming you don't have to revive with energy, the lower half of a tier (strata 2, 4 and 6) will always turn a profit (earning more than 700 crowns per level). Almost always, levels in the first half of a tier (strata 1, 3 and 5) will always net a loss (earning less than 700cr per level).
Obviously, this doesn't account for materials, that higher tiers tend to be slightly more profitable, and that some recipes can be resold for profit. The sweet spot is T2, which has high crown output and relatively low difficulty, which allows you to blaze through if you are properly geared. The 'profitabilty' will also change based on the CE/cr exchange.
In short, if you can get jumps to the lower half of a strata (from friends or guildmates) then running those clockwork levels without reviving will always be worth your CE. If you can't, then it's a bit of a tossup; you'll probably break even (if you go to the bottom of the tier), but no guarantees. The worst thing you can do (unless you're running T3 Basil for valuable recipes to resell) is to quit at the terminal. The last thing to note, Battle Arena levels have the best crown output if you can finish all three rooms, by a margin of around 25-50% which makes them hands-down the most profitable type of level.
If I can get a jump to d13 or 23 on Jelly or Vanaduke gates, I'll usually do it if I have time.
I only run t2, but d11 is the minimum depth you can join and still have access to Basil.
Yes, this is only tangentially related.
Just run boss levels and arenas, except of course the t1 boss. The money you got there should give you a profit even if you buy CE (I do this all the time so I'm 100% sure) The only downside is that you should not run anything other than boss levels, and things would get a little bit dull after a while.
Hmm, if I remember correctly, you make about 6k if you do JK runs from Basil down (more if there's an arena). So yes, it's worth it to buy CE to run T2. I certainly did this when I was doing T2 full-time, but I usually don't do more than 2 runs a day since I didn't have time, so I was running more on mist + a small supplement of CE.