topic is basically my question to OOO. Will those who have already bought a pass be able to purchase another, the 30 days is coming very soon and am curious if I will be able to purchase another pass. Thank you.
Will we be able to purchase another Elevator Pass?

Seconding this question. My pass will be expiring soon, and I've got another $6 with OOO's name on it.
Even though I made the leap to P2P by buying the elevator pass, I still don't want to buy CE to use on elevators. I like grinding for CE to craft with, buying it with cash would just mess that up.

I have not purchased an elevator pass, yet. First, I want a heat amplifier then I will buy an elevator pass. Then I can level up tons of gear.
I do want to buy one.

@Oceanprince i think you'll be better of buying the pass ^^
also double heat in a way or even more, more crown and more mats (and maybe even the 5* mats you need when you play the right lvls)
just made a ash tail armor (lvl 10) in 2 days :) (been slacking a bit haha)

@Nicoya-Kitty Im in the same boat as you, Just wish I knew for a fact if once mine expires if I will be able to purchase another. I love diving into the clockworks. People are still as far as i know able to purchase them but those of us who have, the option disappears from the energy depo, will this return as an option once the pass expires?

So my main has an elevator pass that expires in a few days. I cannot buy an elevator pass.
But! My alt does not have an elevator pass and the elevator pass is available for purchase for $5.95.
I guess this is because the elevator pass activates immediately and OOO doesn't want you to buy one while you still have one active.
Has anyone's elevator pass expired already to confirm?

I would assume that Three Rings doesn't want overlap with the Elevator Pass. So they only allow you one at a time.
Though, I would have it add time onto the previous pass myself.

Bump. Relevant to my interests, and I will find out in about 26 hours time.

If OOO wants to make more money, they'll let you buy another one if you liked it.

seems like you can't, mine has just expired and I don't get the option to buy a new one.
oh well...
note that I'm on Steam, in case it's actually a bug.

My poor elevator pass. ;_;
At least now I can devote more time to grinding LD for Enamorock.

Keep your eyes peeled Monday morning :)

Anyway expect me to buy another very soon. (If i cant buy one ahead of time Ill have to wait till the 30th T~T)
Please let us stockpile and trade them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh no... Does this mean we should buy another one when ours expire in the weekend, or wait until monday?

Keep your eyes peeled Monday morning :)

On Monday:
Nick: No, I'm not going to let you buy it twice. Pay your own elevator fees you stingy bastard.

Monday?! Oh no, what's going to happen on Monday? Nothing ever good happens on the first day of the work week.
Hmm...maybe OOO will be rolling the ele pass as a perm purchase but at a higher pricing.

I have to spend energy to run the gates now?! And on top of that, until Monday!
This is blasphemy!!
If the pass becomes available again, I'll buy it once long as the price hasn't been upped by too much.

That's great, I love the elevator passes. I just hope that the price stays the same O_o.
how will I survive two days without it :(

lolol Mine expires Dec. 30
U jelly?

monday morning, as in monday morning it's up for good or monday morning it will be a limited time thing? I don't mind subscription based games :3

ok so what is going on today
so far itsfreakingnothing.jpeg

Dude calm down. he said expect something monday morning... right now in Cali its almost 9am. So they're either just getting up or just getting to their office. Kids like you are the reason why they probably dont give exact dates because if they are late on a release or have to postpone the release, you freak out.
Maybe there would be another chance in a future update in a few months or something?
Merry Christmas!