< This one because it's plain awesome :C < Sad to throw away an old design like this >8/ < It just has to be released some day >:O !!
I remember having the old angelic set during beta, seeing an admin wearing the kathat, and only heard about the fish set :33
So would these designs, by an chance, be released again?
This may be stuff that is not released yet.
This is not the official name of the accessory. I have no idea if this is available in-game.
No, I'm not hacking/cheating the game, if I were, then I'd be directly affecting other players. I just fooled around with the game files, so what I do is only visible to me and not to other players.
I'm only showing off items that may or may not be available in-game. databbs
The devs don't like some of that stuff posted on here (hence early posts on spiralspy threads)
Just a thought