I solved my problem yesterday by restarting Steam, and it worked..
Today, I can't get into game again.. this time it tries to log on with steam, but it tells me that it can't authenticating with steam..
I have restarted and reloged steam; twice..
I solved my problem yesterday by restarting Steam, and it worked..
Today, I can't get into game again.. this time it tries to log on with steam, but it tells me that it can't authenticating with steam..
I have restarted and reloged steam; twice..
Steam. Hates. Spiral Knights.
In response to my original post;
I. Hate. Steam
What don't they understand about they are ruining our gaming experience?
Steam is currently running an unscheduled maintenance on its servers.
Steam cant learn to stop running maintenance every 2 damn seconds, so thats why Steam users cant log in...
Link to the thread page, its the most recent post.
Or for the simple option that helps everyone
OOO makes a method to convert from steam to normal account.
Still waiting
Still can't login.
If there WAS an option to convert, I would use it and then uninstall Steam. This isn't worth my time
I'm going to go make soup, eat it, then come back and Steam will still be broken. SSSSSOOOOOOOOOOO SLOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW
I don't think being able to use voicechat is a big enough bonus for me to stay using steam. I only started using it because SK couldn't install properly when I first started.
its been like wat 1 hour of waiting >.O damn u steam
I honestly dont know whats with steam and going into maintenance, but its too common and its annoying.
Oh and heres a meme on my thoughts.
So here's how i managed to fix it. I've seen this posted before but would love to help my fellow Steam peoples.
1)Quit Steam
2) log out of spiral knights website (if you are logged in with steam)
3)go to http://www.spiralknights.com/play.xhtml - this will allow you to install the non steam (standalone) client. once this launches click the log in by facebook button in spiral knights.
4) this will bring you to a website where there's a log in with facebook button, but also a log in with steam button, Log in with steam user ID & pass. browser pops you back into SK without having steam open and you win!
Let me know in game if this works for you too! IGN Magits :D
OOO is pushing an update again so servers are down for a min.
It works!
Im gonna use your post for a thread if you don't mind :)
Try Deleting the ClientRegistry.Blob file from your Steam folder. That may fix the issue.