New Foes - Just a bit of fun.

33 replies [Last post]
Cake's picture

I wasn't able to find a thread to suggest new opponents. So for a bit of fun, I thought I'd start one to suggest a few.

Slush Puppy - A gun puppy that can freeze knights with their ice shots.
Hush Puppy - A gun puppy that shoots Z's at knights and puts them to sleep.
Swat Snipes - A cousin to the Swat Bunny.
Bats - They can inflict curse and vulnerable to guns. The upgraded vampire bat can remove health from a knight and add it to their own.
Knight eating plants - Vulnerable to sword attacks (think machete).

I'd love to see a few of the status effects be utilized more. Currently, the only one I worry about is fire. Perhaps if more monsters used others, it would give us reasons to wear items that provide more resistance.

At this point, you can make it all the way to the core using a single weapon. I'd like to see this changed so that knights have to think about what they're going to equip before they go, especially at the more difficult levels. This way you have to work out with your party who is bringing what, or you'd need to make sure you have used upgrades to allow you to bring more options with you. Below are a few ways of doing this:

- Create some creatures who are immune to some weapons. For example, a bird could only be damaged by guns, an evil plant of doom could only be damaged by swords, and some snail like creature could only be damaged by bombs.

- Have some status effects heal if you inflict them on the wrong monster. For example, using the Cryotech Alchemer would heal the Bloogato. So if a monster utilizes a particular status effect, he should at least be immune to it himself. This has the added bonus of reducing the effectiveness of the overpowered alchemers.

Legacy Username

This game needs mimics. A perfectly normal looking treasure box, that hits you in the face after you attack it. And have them be quite rare so you never expect them.

Nick's picture
Cake - I love the slush and

Cake - I love the slush and hush puppies, excellent puns!

Pupu - Mimics are on the list.

Legacy Username
I love slush and hush

I love slush and hush puppies, too. But sorry, I could never ever kill a snipe.

Shoebox's picture
How about a DOUBLE pun?

Sick Puppy: Coughs out toxic puppy breath.



I want a gun based enemies tbh, like a mech knight that use guns or a stranger looking gunslinger.

Shoebox's picture
I thought of a better pun

Slick Puppies: They shoot out jets of oil that flaming monsters can ignite.
Could create some cool puzzles with them.
Also, a pompadour. Can't be slick without a pompadour.

Legacy Username
Yeah, I really like the Slush

Yeah, I really like the Slush and Hush Puppy ideas, too. At first I thought the names were silly, but they fit so perfectly. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if you could actually use the name Slush Puppy.

Mimics are also a great idea.

The bat suggestion could be turned into some kind of Silkwing variant.

The only problem I see with making monsters immune to certain weapons or weapon types is that you could land in a situation where you are completely unable to proceed. Nothing should be immune, but maybe very resistant or weak.

A couple of my own ideas to throw out:

Bookat: Initially invisible, but becomes visible when attacking. Becomes invisible again when it dashes.
Some kind of fire Kat. Seems like it's missing.

King-Tinkinzar's picture
We need weapons that power up

We need weapons that power up in our time of need... Which would be when your health is low.

Legacy Username
@magus - hahaha, II think

@magus - hahaha, I think Three Panel Soul has now been linked throughout the forums three times within the last 24 hours.

@Shroom - I like Bookat, too - though mostly because it reminds me of Mario. :p Black Kats are on the wiki, but they've yet to appear in the game. I'd love to see what they do.

Cake's picture
Rose: I love slush and hush

Rose: I love slush and hush puppies, too. But sorry, I could never ever kill a snipe.

I have this mental image of me closing my eyes while frantically clicking the attack button. I think I only want an excuse to see the little guys a bit more.

Pupu: This game needs mimics. A perfectly normal looking treasure box, that hits you in the face after you attack it. And have them be quite rare so you never expect them.

It would crack me up. With my luck I'd be dead on a spike floor because I was trying to run from a rabid treasure box. I already like the ones that trigger a spawn of baddies when you walk over to collect the contents.

Shroom : The only problem I see with making monsters immune to certain weapons or weapon types is that you could land in a situation where you are completely unable to proceed. Nothing should be immune, but maybe very resistant or weak.

This is a good point if they were spawning for events. However for this to happen, every person in the party would have to have only that weapon or type of weapon equipped. Even solo I find this a bit of a stretch, especially considering that I'd make sure to equip at least two different things (even without upgrades). New knights already have two different weapons equipped.

New suggestions: (Note that I'm only half-serious with some of these)

Petroleum Jelly: He leaves a trail of ignitable oil-slime behind him. He also bursts when killed into a large spot of oil. It would be interesting to have a bunch of these with a bunch of blast and super blast cubes.
Box Jelly: Inflicts poison when destroyed to anyone near by.
Pupsicle: A wolf that has the ability to freeze, similar to Vog (I think that was his name). Of course this is also an alternative name for the Slush Puppy.
Iceberg Lettuce: Isn't really an enemy, but rather a plant. If struck with a sword the knight becomes frozen.

(er sorry, I've clearly let the puns get away from me. It's never a good sign when I'm snickering while typing.)

Shoebox's picture
Petroleum and Box Jellies

Petroleum and Box Jellies already exist, just with a non-pun name.

Although I wouldn't have anything against some Aeroplane Jelly.

Cake's picture
Shoebox: Petroleum and Box

Shoebox: Petroleum and Box Jellies already exist, just with a non-pun name.

Er... not that I've seen. I know there are some with similar properties in the slime family, but I was thinking of jelly cubes. My theory being that there aren't enough monsters doing the various status effects to make those status effects something to worry about. So having multiple types in the same family (ie slime familiy) would then make resistance to some of this stuff a bit more important.

But really, as I said, I'm really on half-serious with these.

Legacy Username
The mimic should look like a

The mimic should look like a pile of armor, sitting there for you to pick up. On close inspection, the armor should be reversed.

What about a 4-legged puppy? Maybe a dog construct, called the fun-sized mobile puppy?

(/em wonders if anyone will catch those references...)

Legacy Username
(duplicate post, deleted)


Legacy Username
Well, i will mind myself here too

About the ideas, great till now...but i loved the mimic idea!!!^^, i knew i was felling something was wring with the world.

-Lesser Mimic: a blue treasure box. surelly, a noob mimic, that still doesn't know how to transform very well, nor have the patience necessary to do so (attacks any player that get's near, drops are the same as normal monsters)
-Mimic: the normal green box that attacks when oppened, that would drop thing better than normal monsters (as semi-rare monsters). It would be a great combination to an action button appart from the attack button, so you necessarelly get hit first by the mimic (or get out of the way quickly), instead of necessarelly making the first strike...unless the mimic is imune to the first strike.
-Greater mimic: A red treasure boxes, that really is proud of it's powers. It turns red because they know that knight will come fight him for their rarer drops, and knows that reds make them looks more slim and gracious (what?)
-Professor mimic: Chalenge room!!! Think about big golden/silver/copper/anything box in the midle of a room, with many blue and some green boxes taking the scene. As soon all player enters, and hits the switch, every chest turns out to be a mimc (no red chests in this room, it would be far to overpower), and the battle should go this way. During the battle, if the boss mimic is alone, it should return to box state (sometimes, not always), stay that way for some time, invunerable, and recover some health, as some blue and (rarelly) green mimics fall from the sky in the field. To ensure that players don't use this to make money in the same room over and over, the spawned mimics should only give hearts and power ups, very rarelly, and health pokeballs should fall only from green ones. The rewards should be a chance of exclusive drop (the theachers helmet, a squared helmet with a clover printed in every face besides the front, that smally upgrades the chances of a rare drop from mimics when this iten is at level 10), and more moeny and heat than usual.

-Jelly master: Boss. A huge round blob with hands, that can create squared jellys to attack as projectiles in the players. The spawned jellys should not drop anything, should only be pink one, with less health (because they where tossed), and could be relfected with a shield, probably doing a little damage in the boss (or making so it becomes vulnerable to a high combo after some reflectings). When low on health, he could wave both his arms and strike them on the floor, making damage waves where the hand lands, and droping some jellys in random directions.
-MF jelly: My first jelly. it should be something like: one hit and you killed it. But this jelly actually stops some projectiles from hitting you (if you put it between you and the projectile), and would do almost, if none, damage.

-Animated weapons: of any kind, the bigger, the stronger. Rapiers, longswords, hatchets, warhammers, proton cannons, anything that fits your mind. Bombs should be the sacrifists...kill them quick, or they will leave this world with your rewards.

-Helpfull monsters: those healing dogs really are something..unexpected (i almost killed my first before realising that the where friendly), and more like they shouold be done. Maybe a cannibal jelly, that only attacks jellys, a goblin mage that receives damage from spikes and othe traps, and is sick of how he is treated, so he decides to help you kill everything, or one of those little cutie birds, that are invunerable to your attacks, and should be used to pass some puzzles.

And...that's all for now

Legacy Username

Hm, I had this idea the other night. No idea why.

A boss chromalisk, that is basically a giant chromalisk. Can hit you with tongue, tail and tail, so it's best to attack from the sides. Has some stomps or something when you damage it from the sides, etc.
You can't hit it while camouflaged, but it can hit you (leaves footprints or something instead of the normal camouflage, so it's harder to spot).
To hit it, you have to throw a stack of 3 "paint vials" at the enemy. The vials spawn slowly somewhere. And the zone is full of respawning kleptolisks that try to steal the paint vials from your inventory. And there are some gun puppies that stun you or something so you have a harder time dodging the kleptolisks and need some teamwork.

Sounds fun, I dunno.

Legacy Username
good idea

though every kleptolisk and gun puppy would not be able to cause damage, only status, or they would cause a rather insignificant amount of damage, that upgrades athe deeper you are.

also, as a side note: there would be great if we had to fight a sub-boss every time before a middle home lift, and a boss before a city lift (like the passage through haven -> moorcraft: you fight a random sub boss, based on the actual or previous map that you are/where, and a boss right before the city gate, but after the second home lift (so, yes, there would be one more extra level between these). This boss would be based on the city, ass the level too, maybe some kind of kat boss, or zombie boss).

Legacy Username
Profanity Puppy-Shoots

Profanity Puppy-Shoots projectiles that curse you
For those who don't understand, curse and profanity, think about it

Legacy Username
hmmm @.@

....puppys that shot litle @#$%$&*?...actually, i find it rather could be like a profanity laser, that have a small chance to curse for some time, with some funny sounds while it is being shot >_<

Legacy Username
So, it looks like nobody

So, it looks like nobody caught these references ...

> The mimic should look like a pile of armor, sitting there for you to pick up. On close inspection, the armor should be reversed.

Nethack's mimic monster. From memory, an armor is a "[", and a mimic is a "]". (I might have those reversed).

> What about a 4-legged puppy? Maybe a dog construct, called the fun-sized mobile puppy?

"Mobile, fun-sized agony and death dispensers", from Girl Genius; the tale of a construct intelligent castle gone crazy.

(Alright, it's more than that, but that's been the focus for about 2-3 years now.)

Legacy Username
how we would be supposed to seethose references???

neve,i say,never,i heard anything about any one of those games (and i`m quite old in videogames and general games)...

Mimics are not pile of armors that turn out to be a monster. If you ever heard about dungeon and dragons, you should know that a mimic is any methamorph that attain the form of any kind of treasure recipient, so they can wait till an unaware adventurer comes, and finish being its meal. Most know enemies of RPG, like jellys and mimics,arederivates from famous monsters from dungeon and dragons.

Pauling's picture
Team on the mecha knight with the hat!

In all seriousness, I'd love to see special enemies that required more teamwork to beat- instead of just requiring a lot of slow tedious hits from a safe distance, it would be fun to face more foes like the Trojan, where the whole strategy for fighting them is simpler and better when you have a teammate.

What other attack strategies would favor teamwork?

Legacy Username

more or less this: the monsters would only rreceive damage if all of them are attacked in a short period of time between them...aming it almost instant qhen there are 4 players, and slowly when soloing. Soloing would be quite hard till you get the gist of stop attacking the one you just attacked to go attack the other ^^

Legacy Username
> neve,i say,never,i heard

> neve,i say,never,i heard anything about any one of those games (and i`m quite old in videogames and general games)...

You've never heard of Nethack?

Shame on you. It's not the grand-daddy of dungeon crawls -- that honor goes to Rogue -- but it was the first big-team development, open source game inspired by Rogue.

Legacy Username
it isn't a dungeon crawler..

it looks more like dungeone explorer rpgs...dungeon crawlers are caracterized by realt ime fights, where you can simply evade attacks by going out of the way yourself...Kingdom hearts could be considered a dungeon crawler, if it didn't have to much rpg mechanics as it have now (leveling by killing monsters over and over, grinding, skills clearly divided by level reqs, as you gain then by leveling, and the strenght of the square-enix logo, mother of one of the best rpg series of all time).

Legacy Username
#.....@...]..# HP: 12/15 MP: 3/3

I couldn't get into Nethack, it was a bit overwhelming.

If you'd like to try a roguelike but don't want to get too hardcore right away, I'd suggest IVAN:
It has graphics and very straightforward controls and gameplay. Pity development stopped a while ago.

Another of my favourites is Doom: The Roguelike, which as the name suggests is based on an FPS. It's a roguelike shooter, and the best of its kind.

Legacy Username
pupu...look to who you are talking...

as i know, squaresoft where one of the worst game companies at the time, and where at the verge of ending, when they created their last game, just for fun, and decided to call it Seyken Densetsu (final fantasy), as their last project in their life...but discovered that their last game was a big sucess, thus beggining their RPG creation.

Square-enix is the same as ssquaresoft where, with people from enix...two big RPG companies at the time, and created some great games, namelly saying, FF12 (good lore, interesting battle system, good graphics, nice gameplay, secrets enough, flexibilitty on making your character skills, and so on), Dragon quest 8 (good old gameplay with better graphics, lots of secrets, hard secret bosses, the same grinding than the other in the series (this is a bad point), and graphics made by Akira Toryama himself (don't know if i mispelled the second name), creator of dragon ball (to those whodon't know), Kingdom hearts (don't remember if the first was enix too, but i'm sure that the next ones are from S-E, and also, i liked more the 2 than the 1), Dirge of Cerberus and Crisis Core, along with Dissidia and final fantasy crystal chronicles for ds, an final fantasy online free to play that is undergoing beta tests, final fantasy tatics advance A2, and so on and on.

"MODERN IDEAS?" i'm saying to others to take them out, not to implement them! i'm an old player, from the times of the ATARI, and thus i know how games used to be fun to play, with low graphics but interesting gameplays. I'm talking about zelda: link to the past, at most, as a reference to be followed by this game, and not the ocarina of time, that ahead of itself have some things that should not be followed here.

RPG: Role Playing Game: a game where you take the control of one character's life, and make his actions, make his history, act as if you where him, in his world. Pen and paper RPGs are the original RPGs, but, seeing how games now are widelly played by the masses, adding one more genre would be silly, seing that the stand alone RPGs (aka eletronic RPGs) had most of the characteristics of a Pen and Paper RPG: leveling, the control of one character with an history, the player making choises that change the outcome of some events, wide areas to explore, and so on, so adding those games at RPG seemed more correctly. Now comes the online ones, the so called MMOs. Some are labeled as RPGs, because of the same motives as the eletroic ones, and some are wrongly called rpgs by people that don't understand a thig about it.

Dungeon Crawlers are characterized by the fact that you, most of the time, fight your way in dungeons/fields, for loot and fame. You can consider dungeon crawlers as a branch of rpg, where you do control an character, maybe with history (not always), where leveling is not that important, and where your actions don't change the outcome of the events at all (you can say that choosing to go to the trapped door is an change in outcomes for you, but it isn't for the others. you dying means nothing to the others, and that door will still be there...unless the programers thought about an system that disarms the traps when someone trips on it). RPGs are caracterized by the slow paced system (even if you have only fractions of second to think about what to use, you can do it fixed in the same place, because, even if you move, there are chances of hitting and missing), and dungeon crawlers are caracterized by a more fast pace system (even if you have 1 minute to think your strategies, the outcome of an attack hit will be decided by how fast you get out of the way, and not by a random variable).

Just to remove the main idea from the mass of my thoughts: RPGs are characterized by the fact that they focus more on the history, while dungeon crawlers focus more on the fight, gameplay itself (you can't disagree that zelda is a dungeon crawler...mainly the you begin simply nowhere, and star acting, and have low portions of history, and final fantasy don't have a so fast paced action, but focus higly on the history of the game itself).

Finally, just adding to one coment: I'M AN OLD GAMER, FOR SOMEONE SAKE...don't say that i'm putting "modern ideas" i will be sure to put only the most interesting ones that can be used widelly in the game itself in the suggestions, and will surelly leave those new failed concepts to the winds. I'm not against new ideas, but i sure know how to pick good new ideas from the mob of new ideas, and leave those faulty one that destroys the gameplay alone, and i will surelly agree with an old functional system if it is implemented (and i notice it).

I will see if i can play some of this nethack...and see what i can say about it...

Adding to the saying of square making some other games: Yes, they where good before, actually too good, but wasn't the entrance of enix that disvirtued it, but the fact that it was affected by the "game capitalism ill", before buying enix and adding it's name to his own, to attract more players. It began to turn an entirelly only for income company, thus producing some frankensteins...that aren't the fault of enix, but fault of everyone there. The last games are characterized by this ill, that affects, sooner or later, every game company, and thus make then fall (but some companies are strong enough to stand ground longer). To tel the thruth, Squaresoft was a capitalist company even since the release of final fantasy 1, when they saw the big money, but they focused in producing contents that tok their players, so they could sell more. The only problem now is that they are targeting the money spenders gamers, so they can have a bigger income, and thus, faulting in history, and making big and long CGs with good graphics so people stay amused with the graphics..strong issue nowsdays (that's why i simply venerated capcom when they released Megaman 9 with those graphics...because they showwed that graphics don't make a game!!!)

Loggin out, waiting for your answer disagreeing with me (and legend of mana and the mana series are RPGs, because they focus more on the history rather than the fighting itself, even if the fight system is more likelly to be used at DCs, because this kind of gameplay don't count enough to characterize a game genre).

Legacy Username

Sorry to dissapoint, but my answer will be:
1: Why did you write so much? I read it, but it's so much text that I don't really know which points you're trying to get across.
2: Maybe we should discuss this somewhere else? There's not an off-topic forum though.
3: Most of those games you cited are from awful (lol FF12) to "decent, but nothing special" (well maybe KH was a little special).
4: Square took a big hit after their Final Fantasy movie fiasco where they lost millions and then had to merge with Enix. The old staff from the "Squaresoft golden age" (the nineties) left SE a long time ago. Some of them have now their own company named Mistwalker and are about to release a game called "The Last Story".
5: The point about roguelikes and modern ideas, is that the definition of dungeon crawlers and stuff you gave before was not correct.
Bonus: U mad?

Legacy Username
of course i'm mad

you simply told me, not directly, but meant it, that i don't know a simple thing of the area of gameplay that i know the most, and that i like the most.
1. i wrote a lot because i wasn't able to resume things because i needed to put some things completelly to you
2. no, we shouldnt. i would discuss this via pm, if we had this system, but simply adding a topic for this isn't worth, thus, people that don't have a thing about what we are discussing will simply skip my posts, and thus yours, that say about this discussion, mainly because the lenght of what i just wrote.
3. aren't awfull at all, because i simply consider EVERYTHING in a game, from gameplay, to history, and so on, without comparing to the "gold times". FF12 have a good gameplay, and the trainign system for skills was something that i liked, and still llike in most of the final fantasy games. DQ8 is funny at some parts, and required me to think and explore, and to pay attention in the history to advance, and have a lot of extras that i liked. Dirge of cerberus was good not because the history, but i simlpy loved how SE handled the shoting system to an originally RPG game, still letting some things from the rpgs in action. thus, it have nice extra missions, a lot of chalenging parts, and the EX hard mode, where the fact of you oppening your inventory don't stops the gameplay was well thought. Crisis core...well, i simply put it because i loved mostly the history, and because i love FF7. Dissidia is a good fighting game with characters of FF series. i simply liked the way they handled specials, the fast paced battles, and some easy to use commands, and also some ways to customize your character's habilitys. Final fantasy christal chronicles is good because it goes out of the stopped gameplay from other FFs, and goes to a more active gameplay (and beinga able to play partying with your friends is a bonus). final fantasy advance A2, i simply loved it because it was a sequel of the ivalice project (FF12), with a linear history, and because it made me remeber the old days of FF tatics, with new imprvments (of course, with new failures too). i will refrain from tlking about the online one, because it simply doesn't fit here.
4.they didn't had to merge with enix, enix needed to merge because of their cash problems, and sqaure simply took advantage as a way to make more money (capitalist company)(i don't think that the movie was that bad to their moneybank. of course fans think this way, because they simply hated it, but people that never heard about, or simply known only the name, liked...but i must agree that a lot of thing in that movies are wrong, beggingin with the title). I don't follow the news from square since i noticed how capitalist it was turning to be, so i didn't had even the chance to know about the people laeaving. I will see about it later, though.
5.But you forget to say that now my definition is correct: RPG is both a main and a sub, where RPG sub is the game more focused in history, while dungeon crawler is more focused with the gameplay itself, most of the times ignoring great parts of the history.

it was not a disapoint at didn't disagreed with me at most (besides the games from SE) would be a disapointment if you did disagreed with everything, instead to critiquize it a cetain way.

Legacy Username
also, just adding up

i wrote this on most posts, but will post it here again:

i get excited while i'm wrting, thus finishing in writing too much (or talking).


Moving on briskly from that interlude...

I love Slush Puppies and Hush Puppies. They amused me.

I'd love 'rare bosses' to be less, well, rare. A way of not doing this is just to make a few more of them. It's doubly good because you won't see the same one as often and it freshens the game up more, makes it more interesting.

A super-jelly of some kind would be amazing, it's special attack sends out mini-jellies in the same way a spiked ooze [could someone tell me the proper term?] sends out spikes. Being large, an over-use of the stun ability would be fantastic.

Also, a rogue spiral knight who appears like a Devil to fight. He would have the maximum health of a spiral knight and an unbreakable shield. I'm sure someone could think of a way to make this more interesting ^^ He'd over-use fire too of course, potentially his shield setting people on fire on contact.

Nick's picture
Bolgron- You'll get that

Bolgron- You'll get that 'super jelly' soon enough :)

Legacy Username
alright, i will refrain from adding more to this discussion...

let's see...i need to come up with an idea so this topic isn't useless at all....

i was thinking in something like pre versions from trojans:
-Trojan recruits: trojan that have the sword and the charge attacks, but don't have the shield. Would always be acompanied by a trojan captain;
-Trojan Captain: he loses the charge attack, but puts its shield at the back when they attack, so they are only damageable by the back qhen they are walking, and by the front when attacking;
-Trojan Warlord: no shields, 2 swords, charged run, a single sword hit like the others, a 180º slash with both swords followed by a slow moving whirlwind made by the trojan rotating itself holding the swords;

I know that it isn't the best to do now, but, gremlins:
-Gremlin warmonger: Always have a shield up, that takes damage, but don't regenerate. It doesn't attack untill its shield is down, but rather goes running arround the screen, upgrading attack and/or defense of the surrounding gremlins, every time taking a significant damage on the shield per buff, and the buffs not being permanent. After the shield is down, it equips itself with a sword and a gun, having the same attacks from normal gremlins (but, instead of throwing the weaponm, they shot at you). If there are no more gremlins in the room, and his shield is still up, he will take a gun and begin to shot through the shield, damaging it, in a try to hit the palyers.
-Gremlin spiritualist: an upgrade to the mages, but he focuses only in healing (like silkwings);
-Lost gremlin: he is only passing by, and will try to escape after some seconds. When he beggin to charge his scape, he will begin to run through the room, getting any powerups that he finds in his way, to get out with it. If killed in time, all the powerups fall on the ground, and it can also drop an exclusive item, only for him.
-Hopeless goblin: differ a little from the lost goblin, but htis one will reward you if you don't attack him. If he stays unharmed for enough time, he will bow to you, and run away, droping money, heat and itens like a normal kill, but with a slightly bonus (because, in the heat of a battle, it's hard to try to avoid some monsters). He could drop a counterpart for the exclusive drop from the lost one (if the lost drops an armor, this one can drop a shield).

Logging out