got the Enamorocks I need for many HPs. This krogmo farming has been particularly frustrating; it seems my latency has gotten worse while others have gotten better. Between my mouse hanging up on the GUI, the latency-laden swarm attacks by faster connected strikers, and the new winter map, I can't wait for the relative safety of Vanaduke again.
Oh thankya, I can stop playing Lockdown for a while again.

Err, the only use for the stupid pendants is to stay competitive in LD because everyone is crafting pendants.

That and they could help a bit in the SL. That is if you don't already have all those equips.
Still waiting on those tips Maxa :3

quit for a WHILE...
I still have to harvest the tasty recipes of items I will probably never use. Also, there's been some times where I want to go down in the clockworks and just flail away at stuff. It'd be nice to have +12hp to do it.
Also, I've been wanting dem heart pendants for a loooooooooooooooong time, and now I can have em! You know when people go on and complain about killing 4 or 5 love puppies and not getting any drops? I think I killed 4 or 5 before the AH existed. I got two pendants back then, BTW...don't tell me they didn't nerf the drop rate.
anyhoo, it will be nice to have a bazillion HPs. I'll rebuild my sold-off ancient plate set and see if I can stack it up more.