twilight zone
There once where three brothers Zues Crackrial and machinaduke who created the spiral knight universe. Two knights a boy knight whose name was Ekrial he was a heroic knight. Girl knight Genaues who got along with wolvers and the two of them fought with each other "You get along with wolvers?!?" Ekrail skreamed "and you kill jellies !?!" Genaues said calmly "we both are different but if those brothers found out we were fighting we would be toast" so they ran from them. Machinaduke came down the next morning "Where are yougoing" he asked but they couldn't hear him and the older they got the more knights they made to defeat Machinaduke.but the girl went back and machinaduke captured her "Now my name shall be know'n as VANADUKE!!!" he said putting his helmet on......To be continued
twilight zone (story)
Thu, 12/15/2011 - 13:44
Thu, 12/15/2011 - 14:26
Shouldnt this go to Treasure
Shouldnt this go to Treasure Valut?