I'd like to start a thread for the random acts of kindness that go on day by day in Spiral Knights. A lot of times we Knights don't even acknowledge what goes on around us, and today one truly nice Knight reached out to me.
One of my quests in SK is to get matching costume sets for my friend and myself: Dragon Scale gear, + a Com Unit + Headband + Glasses + a Scarf. I won one of the Volcanics in the AH, and was presented with this one problem: How does one give their friend a matching, yet not Volcanic, scarf?
I was pondering this aloud when a kind Knight issued me a challenge: guess which color a Sealed Sword charge attack would produce. If I guessed correctly, I would recieve a Heavy Scarf (the closest color to Volcanic) for free. I won, and the Knight gave me the scarf. I later passed on the kindness by giving a Scarf I already held, a Military Scarf, to a 2* Knight who wanted one but couldn't afford it. They in turn passed on the gift by giving a Calibur I had given them earlier to another 2* Knight.
So what have you done, or seen another person do?
P.S. To honor the Spirit of Christmas, from now until Dec. 26th I may award small items: 2* Heart Trinkets or 5* Mats, etc.- to those whose tales are truly noteworthy. Go forth and do acts of kindness! XD
You gave the scarf you were going to give to one of your friends to some random 2* guy? That's not nice to your friends...