my son is enjoying the game but going bonkers because he saw a sword that when you attach it looked like a dragon and now can't remember the name of it-does anyone know?
my son is enjoying the game but going bonkers because he saw a sword that when you attach it looked like a dragon and now can't remember the name of it-does anyone know?
it could also be the barbarous thorn balde's hologram snarbolax
No he said with each attack it would have a wolver bite. The BTB only has the hologram on the charge attack.
Could be Fang of Vog. That actually seems most likely.
Its the wild hunting blade,or the hunting blade(precursor of wild hunting blade) hoever its not a so good sword. Oh and it shots the ''dragon (its actually a alpha wolver)" only at the charge attack(hold the attack button until you get a little bit yellow like glowing "on" you)