Everyone fusses over who the best player of Spiral Knights is, but nobody has ever bothered to enlighten us on the who is the worst.
Well, I'm here to fix that. Over several seconds, possibly even a minute of research, I have come to the conclusion of just who is the worst of the worst in Spiral Knights. Via careful examination of evidence, I have determined that the worst player, is in fact... Lord Vanaduke.
It's a simple conclusion. Upon opening my event hub I am immediately greeted by dozens of messages informing me that Vanaduke has died... over and over again. Nothing else can even get a word in over the massive quantities of Vanaduke deaths being reported.
Believe it or not, Vanaduke used to be even WORSE, frequently finding himself unable to get around a simple pillar in his way, and has somehow manged to become stuck in water fountains several times smaller than him. While he has gotten over most of his clumsy habits, he still cannot fix the fact that he is a horrible, horrible player of SK. He is so ashamed of this fact that he wears a mask to hide his face...
And that's not the end of it. Do you know why FSC is on fire and never goes out? Vanaduke has CE revived so much that his energy blast has become a massive inferno that engulfs his entire citadel, reigniting all the fire put out by the last party.
As if he wasn't pitiful enough already, to raise enough money to pay for all that revive energy Vanaduke has to moonlight as a magician. But unlike SK, he's actually quite good at it.